“Digitalize your lab” webinar – Series I - Cosmetics
Do you want to get the best laboratory equipment for your budget? Learn how Anton Paar can help you equip your laboratory with entry-level density meters, refractometers, polarimeters, and viscometers for the cosmetics industry according to your needs and with appealing discounts. We will provide tips and tricks for every suitable instrument for your specific application. This is the first webinar in our webinar series focusing on quality control in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food industry. Register today and get the chance to learn how you can benefit and how our devices can support you.
Pablo Zardoya-Laguardia studied Biomedical Sciences at the University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain. He worked as a researcher in the Pharmacology department at the University of Hertfordshire (UK) and then he finished his PhD in Reproductive Biology at the Medical University of Graz (Austria). Additionally, he worked as an assistant policy officer at the European Commission in the Health and Food Safety Directorate (SANTE). Since 2019 he has been a product manager for the viscometer portfolio. With his diverse experience, he will provide a valuable solution to your problem.
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