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Bonse-Hart USAXS Camera:
USAXS Module

  • Automatic USAXS, SAXS, and WAXS studies using a fully motorized experimental setup
  • Probing structures from the nanometer to the micrometer level
  • Simultaneous and precise (± 0.1 °C) sample temperature control

Our USAXS module for the SAXSpoint 5.0 system is a user-friendly experimental solution for characterizing materials from the nanometer to the micrometer level. The fully motorized setup allows users to obtain high-quality USAXS, SAXS, and WAXS data from their samples via automated, sequential X-ray scattering measurements, involving no manual interaction or change of the measurement configuration.

Key features

Automatic measurement of USAXS, SAXS, and WAXS data

Automatic measurement of USAXS, SAXS, and WAXS data

  • Automatic, sequential acquisition of X-ray scattering data
  • High-quality USAXS, SAXS, and WAXS information
  • Resolving of structural information from Ångstroms to > 2.5 micrometers, in one go
  • No manual interaction requirement
High-performance components for precise results

High-performance components for precise results

  • Automatic positioning of channel-cut crystal assemblies in front of and behind the sample
  • High-precision (0.0001 deg) goniometer for scanning the X-ray scattering signal
  • High-resolution detection using EIGER2 R series HPC detectors

Technical specifications

Accessible q-range 0.0012 nm-1 to 30.0 nm-1 
Compatible sample holder units*  TCStage 150 and 350, Heated/Cooled sampler, Heated sampler
Temperature range -10 °C to +350 °C
Integration Fully integrated in SAXSpoint 5.0 system
Automatic USAXS, SAXS, WAXS measurements

*to be ordered separately

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The Anton Paar quality in service and support:
  • More than 350 manufacturer-certified technical experts worldwide
  • Qualified support in your local language
  • Protection for your investment throughout its lifecycle
  • 3-year warranty
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