Testing methods for precision mechanical devices: From micro wires & motors to luxury watches

Precision mechanical devices are defined by their high positioning accuracy or tight tolerances when machined. Characterizing these parts and devices can be a challenging task, as the torques and displacements needed are in the range of nano- to micro newtonmeters, nano- to micrometers, or degrees.

This seminar aims to give insights into how the UTM Micro, based on our air-bearing based Modular Compact Rheometer (MCR), can be used to determine mechanical properties of such samples. We will discuss testing methodologies, setups, special fixtures as well as some real-life applications that we’ve come across.


  • Test methodologies: mechanical test in torsion, tension, compression
  • Application examples: micro wires, sub-fractional horsepower permanent magnet motors, watches and watch parts, counting devices
  • Testing setups for the UTM Micro platform
Julius Heinrich (English)
Julius Heinrich (English)

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