Pushing the limits – X-ray diffraction under non-ambient conditions
Non-ambient conditions are increasingly required in X-ray diffraction (XRD), as sample properties can drastically change with varying temperature, pressure, gas atmosphere, or humidity. With the first high-temperature camera, about 100 years ago, the fascinating discipline of non-ambient XRD was established, and since then we've been able to study changing physical, chemical and mechanical material properties – in conditions from standard to non-ambient – in-situ.
Served by a long history in X-ray analytics (XRD and SAXS) and deep knowledge of these fields, Anton Paar is the market leader for non-ambient XRD attachments worldwide. Over the last few decades, a versatile portfolio of NA-XRD attachments has been developed to cover the vast majority of application requirements.
This webinar summarizes the possibilities and advantages of modern non-ambient X-ray diffraction (XRD), which pushes the limits of standard XRD facilities.
The webinar will give you an overview of the method and applications, but will also cover the possibilities offered by Anton Paar. You will receive insights into:
- the method behind non-ambient XRD
- modern non-ambient XRD – the typical setup
- the NA-XRD solutions of Anton Paar
- application examples
Target group:
- anyone performing non-ambient XRD experiments – from beginners to experts
- anyone who wants to optimize their non-ambient XRD experiments
Dr. Barbara Puhr obtained her PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Graz, with a focus in petrology and geochemistry. Following a post-doctoral fellowship and some years of experience in X-ray diffraction in an industrial R&D facility, she joined Anton Paar in July 2014 and currently works as the product manager for Non-Ambient X-ray attachments.
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