Powder Rheology 8: Introduction to Powder Shear Cell Measurements
The eighth webinar in the series on powder rheology introduces the powder shear cell as a method to analyze powders and granular media.
Powder shear cells are a used to measure flow properties for very cohesive to easy-flowing bulk solids under low to high loads. The flow properties which can be retrieved include coefficients like cohesion, angle of internal friction, and flowability. These coefficients can be used for powder characterization and optimization in development or quality control, no matter what the sample is. The behavior of bulk solids is determined by these coefficients and is influenced by a large range of internal and external factors. This webinar will introduce the Anton Paar powder shear cell, how the measurements are carried out, and how the data can be analyzed. The webinar will finish with a brief part on the impact of humidity and temperature on flowability.
Timothy Aschl is the global product manager for powder rheology at Anton Paar since 2017. He holds a PhD in chemistry from the École Polytechnique, France where he researched biosensors. His Master’s degree in technical physics was obtained from the Technical University of Graz, with a focus on biofuels.
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