Surface characterization of prostheses, implants, tissues, and biopolymers
In this webinar we will introduce you to the possibilities of surface characterization of biomaterials. Methods like tribology, nano indentation, and surface charge analysis will be discussed.
Learn how investigations on biomaterials like bones, tissues and hydrogels, implants, etc. help you increase their biocompatibility, durability, product safety, and mechanical properties. Moreover, investigations on the behavior of implant materials under real-life conditions to perfectly design their properties as close as possible to the human body will be shown in the presentation.
Topics that will be covered include:
- Cartilage and synovial fluids (development of artificial cartilage and synovial fluid)
- Artificial skin (mimic real-life conditions for production development and optimization, e.g. of catheters and lubricants)
- Hydrogels and hydrogel coatings (investigate the tribological and mechanical behavior of hydrogels for potential use as artificial tissue and in medical devices)
- Artificial joints (reduce wear to avoid damage)
- Bones (effect of certain substances on the bone for osteoporosis research)
- Implants (monitoring protein adsorption on solid samples in real time)
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