Set It, Tap It, Trust It – The New Ultratap 500 Series

2025-01-16 | Corporate

Anton Paar launches a new tapped density analyzer.

With the introduction of the Ultratap 500 and Ultratap 500 Twin, Anton Paar sets new standards in tap density measurement. The new Ultratap 500 series combines precision, durability, and quiet operation and is ideal for demanding applications in industry and research.

Investigation of powder properties
Tap density describes the density of a powder, granules, or pellets after they have been compacted by tapping. It indicates how much space the material takes up under defined conditions and is important for assessing the flowability, compression properties, and storability of powders. 

Tap density analysis for many industries
For example, tap density is an important parameter for determining the energy density of electrode materials in lithium-ion batteries. In combination with gas pycnometry, the porosity of materials can be determined. The instrument supports material optimization and complements other measurement methods. In the pharmaceutical industry, tap density analysis helps to optimize the powder flow and compressibility of materials, which increases the efficiency of tablet production and capsule filling. The analysis also improves packaging optimization in the food and agricultural industries, simplifying storage and transport. In metal processing how well the particles flow and pack together (determined by tapped density) reveals information about the particle shape and size distribution, which is particularly important for the application of 3D printing processes.

Standing out from the competition
The device offers a long service life with a guaranteed 25 million taps with consistent calibration accuracy. It meets the requirements of the two most important pharmacopeias (USP and Pharm.Eu) as well as valid ASTM and ISO standards. TruLock straps enable quick changeover between different cylinder sizes from 5 to 1000 milliliters, and magnetic drop-height adapters ensure easy operation. An additional competitive advantage is the optional Noise Reduction Cabinet, which reduces noise levels by up to 99 % more efficiently than comparable instruments.