Combining Rheological Characterization with Raman Spectroscopy Techniques

Combining Rheological Characterization with Raman Spectroscopy Techniques

This webinar presents a series of samples that were characterized using a Rheo-Raman technique to fully characterize material changes as a function of shear and temperature.





Mr. James P. Eickhoff Jr., Dr. Dan Hudgins (English)
James P. Eickhoff Jr.

James Eickhoff is the principal application engineer for the rheology division as a member of the Advanced Technical Support Center at Anton Paar USA. He has over 20 years of theoretical and experimental rheology training, including the last 17 years with Anton Paar having guided current and prospective customers on the use of rheological techniques in their industrial and academic research. James earned a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from Michigan Technological University and Clemson University, respectively.

Dan Hudgins

Dr. Dan Hudgins is the Lead Scientist for the Raman Technologies division at Anton Paar USA. Dr. Hudgins has over 10 years of applied spectroscopy experience with significant expertise in an array of industries and applications including pulp & paper converting, nanomaterial discovery, explosives detection, and polymer engineering. As Lead Scientist, Dr. Hudgins’ work at Anton Paar USA includes both industrial and governmental partnerships devoted to novel Raman application development and optimization. Dr. Hudgins received his Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Randolph-Macon College and his doctorate in Inorganic Chemistry from Virginia Commonwealth University.