

  • Silicon carbide (SiC) is a chemically inert material with high heat conductivity which strongly absorbs microwave energy. Employing SiC as a vessel material makes microwave chemistry even more attractive since it will not only shorten your overall process time, but enables access to reactions which cannot be performed in standard glass vials (e.g. fluorinations).
  • Silicon carbide (SiC) is a chemically inert material with high heat conductivity which strongly absorbs microwave energy. Employing SiC as a vessel material makes microwave chemistry even more attractive since it will not only shorten your overall process time, but enables access to reactions which cannot be performed in standard glass vials (e.g. fluorinations).
  • Reaction vials Monowave 300 from left to right: G30, G10, G4, C10.
  • Silicon carbide (SiC) is a chemically inert material with high heat conductivity which strongly absorbs microwave energy. Employing SiC as a vessel material makes microwave chemistry even more attractive since it will not only shorten your overall process time, but enables access to reactions which cannot be performed in standard glass vials (e.g. fluorinations).
  • Silicon carbide (SiC) is a chemically inert material with high heat conductivity which strongly absorbs microwave energy. Employing SiC as a vessel material makes microwave chemistry even more attractive since it will not only shorten your overall process time, but enables access to reactions which cannot be performed in standard glass vials (e.g. fluorinations).
  • Reaction vials Monowave 300 from left to right: G30, G10, G4, C10.

碳化矽 (SiC) 是一種化學活性較低的物質,具有高導熱性,能夠強烈吸收微波能量。採用 SiC 作為容器材質使得微波化學更具吸引力,它不僅可以縮短整個製程時間,而且可以操作反應過程 (例如氟化作用),這是在標準玻璃瓶中無法執行的。


  • 加熱速率 >10 °C/sec (即使是非吸收性溶劑)
  • 裝填量為 2 mL 到 6 mL
  • 化學活性較低
  • 降低能耗
  • 高導熱性確保出色的加熱和冷卻速率


  • 全球超過 350 位製造商認證的技術專家
  • 以當地語言提供的合格支援
  • 在整個儀器生命週期中保護您的投資
  • 三年保固
