How CSM Instruments became part of the Anton Paar Group in 2013
In November 2013 CSM Instruments SA was acquired by Anton Paar and its products were successfully integrated into the portfolio. CSM Instruments was known for their instrumented indentation testers and their scratch testers and also for their pin-on-disk tribometer which has been successfully used for over 35 years and then underwent a redesign after the acquisition; just as all the other renowned and well-proven instruments from CSM.
The history of CSM Instruments

CSM Instruments SA originally started as a spin-off of CSEM (Centre Suisse d’électronique et de microtechnique) in 1999 after several decades of developing instruments to characterize mechanical properties of material surfaces at the micro- and nano scales. Located at the heart of the world-renowned Swiss watch industry, the city of Peseux, the company has supported this micromechanics excellence center with premium tribometers, instrumented indentation testers, and scratch testers.
Models built by CSM were known worldwide for their highest quality and precision, supported by a team of scientists and engineers with an immense amount of surface metrology experience. This line of analytical instruments accurately measured local mechanical properties (hardness, elastic modulus, creep, fatigue, stress-strain, adhesion, and friction and wear properties) down to nano and ultra-nano levels. The instruments were used in the automotive, aerospace, pharmaceutical, tool cutting, semiconductors, biomedical, and many other industries.
The acquisition by Anton Paar

Anton Paar GmbH acquired CSM Instruments SA in 2013. The new division was named “Anton Paar TriTec SA” after the three measurement techniques it offers (tribology, indentation testing, and scratch testing). Former CSM models complement many of Anton Paar’s 15 other product lines, including Rheology, AFM, Particle Characterization, and SAXS. With the global sales and service support of the Anton Paar group, the former CSM products have continued to expand in the years since while the core team of CSM scientists and engineers has stayed.
In 2019, a brand new Anton Paar building in Corcelles (Switzerland) with impressive laboratory and production facilities was unveiled and a new line of state-of-the-art surface testing platforms for mechanical property measurement (the Step X00 series) was released. The new Step X00 Surface Testing Platforms offer better vibration isolation and higher-resolution motorized XYZ stages at a more affordable price. They are also easier to install and maintain: a win-win for our customers and technical staff.

Anton Paar’s Mechanical Surface Characterization line (former CSM Instruments) has continued to evolve and expand with the backing of Anton Paar’s substantial investment into R&D. Because Anton Paar is owned by the charitable Santner Foundation and not controlled by stockholders, CSM Instruments has found its permanent home with no further acquisition possible.
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