Characterization of Textiles & Fibers using Surpass

An exclusive webinar on the Characterization of Textiles & Fibers using Anton Paar’s advanced Surpass technology. Join us for an in-depth look at how this innovative solution can drive insights and improvements in fabric care applications.

What you will learn:


  • An introduction to surface charge on solid surfaces

  • The role of surface charges in various textile applications

  • Overview of Surpass and its functional components

  • Q&A session

Dr. Rishi Gupta, Dr Wazed Ali (English)
Rishi Gupta

Dr. Rishi Gupta earned his doctorate and post-doctoral degrees from the University of Delhi, and he is currently employed as Technical Manager with Anton Paar India's Characterization Division. He has over 15 years of expertise working with catalytic reactions and analytical instruments. Dr. Gupta has over 40 International publications with around 3500 citations. Dr. Gupta also has worked extensively in porous material characterization utilizing Gas Sorption and particle size analysis techniques

Wazed Ali

Dr. Wazed Ali is an Associate Professor in the Department of Textile and Fibre Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi. After obtaining his Master and PhD degree from IIT Delhi in 2006 and 2011 respectively, he joined GE (General Electric) India Technology Centre Pvt. Ltd. (JFWTC), Bangalore as a Research Scientist. Subsequently he moved to SABIC Research and Technology Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore and worked as a Scientist before joining IIT Delhi in 2014. He has been awarded the prestigious 'Commonwealth Split-Site Doctoral Fellowship' 2008 from the Commonwealth Fellowship Commission, London to pursue 1 year research work in the UK during his PhD studies. He was a recipient of the 'Bolton Fellowship' from the University of Bolton, UK for 3 year's PhD program at IIT Delhi. He was also awarded with 'Gold Medal' for his highest score in M.Tech in Fibre Science & Technology from IIT Delhi in 2006. He has published several research papers in different international peer reviewed journals. He is a life member of the Indian Natural Fibre Society and regular reviewer of different peer reviewed international journals.